10 Tips for a Tight Tummy

Summer is upon us. The temperatures are slowly rising, and clearly, it is going to be a very hot one. Many people are looking for ways to make sure their bodies are ready for bikini season so that you can confidently rock their two-piece swimsuits. Getting a bikini ready and toned body is not all about working out, it’s also about what you are putting in your body. So, here are 10 nutritional and fitness tips that can help you tighten your tummy and bring out your abs this summer ;)
Nutrition tips
1.      Change your diet- You need to become more aware of what you are eating so that you can start making food work for you and your fitness goals. The key is to eat better and not less. By paying attention to your eating habit, you will make sure that you are putting in your body is actually helping achieve your health and fitness goals.
2.      Cut out diary from your diet –Most of us love milk. You may love your tea/coffee with milk, ice cream, and cheese; but the sad truth is, the saturated fat in all these foods isn’t helping you create a toned and beautifully balanced body. Challenge yourself and try going a week without any diary and see how it helps you and your fitness goals
3.      Eliminate sugar from your diet – We’ve all heard about how bad sugar is for our bodies and health. It’s very bad and does nothing good for you, your health or fitness goals. The best thing you can do with sugar is cut it out of your diet. Obviously it will not be easy because most people have become addicted to sugar. But if you start today, slowly eliminating sugar and substituting with healthier options like honey, then your body will thank you for it.
4.      Do a cleanse - I’m not a big fan of juice cleanses and detox teas and things of that sort, but the truth is it is vital to clean your system once in a while. You don’t even have to buy these expensive teas that are overpriced; you could cleanse using water therapy or Apple Cider Tonic!
5.      Apple Cider Tonic- I know we’ve all heard about the magical wonders of Apple Cider Vinegar. Although most people most of us hate the taste and gag at the smell of the concoction it truly works wonders. To make the taste bearable using the following measurements 1oz ACV and 1oz of Apple Cider (still too strong? add a little agave or honey) and boom you're all set! Cheers!
1.      Listening to your body- Health and fitness routines vary according to individuals, that’s why it is crucial for you to stop and listen to your body once in a while. This will help you access and implement things that work best for you. For example, I am someone who prefers to HIIT and running over strength training and that works for me. So if you prefer using machines then by all means use machines. If you prefer body weight, then do body weight, the most important thing is for you to listen to your body and do what works for you.
2.      Consistency - As an athlete I’ve learned to appreciate consistency. In order to run and successfully complete a 10 Km, 21.1KM or 42.2 KM race your training has to be consistent. Not only do I get my longs run in over the weekend and holidays I also make sure to stretch and do some strength training to help me remain in good shape. I’ve found that being consistent and disciplined is the only thing that’s going to help you get that tight tummy you want! A tight tummy won’t come over night. You will need to put in work and be consistent about it.
3.      Challenge yourself! If you're someone who is already in shape or finds regular exercises too easy, then challenge yourself and add some weight! You can use a medicine ball, a weight, or even throw in a new exercise, just challenge yourself to get better results!
4.      Invest in yourself! If you've been working out for a long time and you are still struggling to get a tight and toned tummy, then it might be time to invest some money in yourself. You could enlist the help of a nutrition/fitness coach, trainers, or guides, but investing in yourself will be worth it in the long run.
5.   Research! You might be fit and healthy but still struggle to get your abs to show. That could mean that you are missing something. It is good to do some research and implement some changes to your fitness routine or diet in order to find what works for you. You might be consider yourself knowledgeable, but remember everyone still has room to improve and there is so much to learn about the human body.

I hope you find these 10 tips helpful in helping you tighten up your tummy for the summer! Let me know if you have found any other tips useful in tightening your tummy.


  1. Ever since becoming a mom I had become conscious of my health as I want to be healthier and strong for my child. It will be an added bonus to have a tight tummy in line with gaining my pre pregnancy body back. I have been doing some things on your and list and so far, so good. My favorite here is the cleanse part. I make sure to detox every once in a while to give my body some breathing room. Sadly, I cannot give up sugar especially with my sweet tooth toddler around. These are all doable and really helpful. Great read.

  2. Oh tight tummy, my ever elusive dream. Will take note of these tips and try my best to apply them. I have over 5 months before summer starts in our country. Should be enough, eh? Excited!

  3. This is something that I really need. Glad I found this. This could be a big help for me .

  4. I miss my flat tummy. Ever since my accident I'm not allowed to workout which has made me fat. 😢

    1. Aww sorry to hear that. I'm sure in time you can do some low impact workouts. For now i think the Nutrition tips should prove to be helpful.

  5. Great suggestions! Especially the dairy elimination. I hadn't thought of that before, but have definitely found my body sometimes responds negatively to dairy.


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